Table Framework in TDL

Discussion in 'Knowledge Base' started by admin, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    New table capabilities have been provided to benefit the developers to enhance the user experience of the pop-up table.

    Attribute – Table Sort
    The attribute Table Sort is introduced at the definition type Collection or Table. This attribute allows sorting the table on any column. By default, the sorting method would be in ascending order, and the expression must be prefixed with a hyphen (-) to instruct the system for sorting in descending order. A keyword Default is provided to populate the table in the order; it has been inserted.


    Table Sort : [-]<Method Name / Formula / Function>


    [Table: Configure Table Style]

    Align : Center

    Style : Small Bold

    Format : $Name, 45

    Format : @@TableItemValue, 25

    Table Sort : Default

    Points to Remember

    • Table Sort is a single list attribute.
    • Table Sort sorts the column as per the datatype.
    • For sorting value in descending order, hyphen (-) should be prefixed to the expression. For example, Table Sort: -$Date; sorts the items in descending order of the dates data type.
    • If descending of a system formula expression needs to be specified, the hyphen must be specified with the prefixing System Formula and not as a part of the Formula, for example, Table Sort: -@@TableItemValue.
    Default Keyword in Table Sort
    1. When the Default keyword is specified as attribute value, the table is displayed as the data is gathered.
    2. In the table, all the sort methods given after Default is ignored, as the gathering order is unique, and any attribute value specified after that becomes meaningless.

    Attribute Value



    Values are sorted as inserted.

    $Name, Default

    Values are alphabetically sorted, but in case of values have the same names, they are sorted as inserted.

    $Name,Default, $Parent

    Values are alphabetically sorted, but in case values are same, they are sorted as inserted, and third sort key is ignored.
    Let us take an example where a collection is a union of two collections of 2 different object types, i.e., Ledger and Stock Item.

    [Collection : All Ledgers and Stock Item]

    Title : “List Of Ledgers and Stock Item”

    Sub Title : $$LocaleString:”Particulars”,$$LocaleString:”Parent”

    Sub Title : $$LocaleString:”Master Type”, $$LocaleString:”Last Voucher as on”

    Collections : All Ledgers, All Stock Items

    Format : $Name, 25

    Format : $Parent, 15

    Format : $$Type, 10

    Format : $LastVoucherDate

    Table Sort : $LastVoucherDate

    Align : Center

    [Collection : All Ledgers]

    Type : Ledger

    Format : $Name, 25

    Format : $Parent, 15

    Format : $$Type, 10

    Format : $LastVoucherDate

    Table Sort : $LastVoucherDate

    [Collection : All Stock Items]

    Type : Stock Item

    Format : $Name, 25

    Format : $Parent, 15

    Format : $$Type, 10

    Format : $LastVoucherDate

    Table Sort : $LastVoucherDate


    For depicting the behaviour, we have created a ledger and a stock item by the name “Samsung A50”.

    Currently, we have not specified any sorting method; hence the complete list is being sorted based on values in column 1, i.e., Name of the Object. In the case of Field populating multiple tables and table sort attribute across collections, Table Sort depends on the attribute Title. The below table shall explain the scenario.

    Attribute – Allow Noise Chars
    The design of Tally, being intuitive and flexible, allows the users to search through the table ignoring the noise characters, for instance, ABC Co. Ltd is matched even on typing ABCCoL without the noise characters. The spaces, hyphens, comma, and so on are ignored for the user to type only the significant portion of the text.

    While we extend the flexibility with this for most of the cases, there are cases like selection of the file folder path where these noise characters differentiate the item. There could be folders with the names TallySolutions and T ally Solutions where all the items must be uniquely selectable if shown in a list. An attribute Allow Noise Chars is supported in the Collection to aid the scenario, the default value being No. There is an alias Table Has Path for this attribute.


    Allow Noise Chars : <Logical Value>


    Table Has Path : <Logical Value>


    [Collection: MultiFile Selection Child Table]

    Title : $$LocaleString:”File Selection”

    Parm Var : PVCurrentPath : String : @@LocalTDLPathRoot

    Data Source : File Selection List : ##PVCurrentPath

    Set as : $Name

    Format : $Name, 35

    Format : @@FileFolderFormat, 15

    Table Sort : Default

    Table Has Path : Yes

    Attribute – Advanced
    There are some table experiences where initially only minimal list should be shown by default. When the user searches for an item which is not available in the visible list, then hidden objects should appear in the list. To facilitate this experience, a new Attribute at Collection, Advanced is introduced. This attribute would allow the possibility of having hidden objects in a table. These objects would be gathered at the time of Table construct; however, on-demand, these objects would dynamically appear in the Table list.


    Advanced : <Logical Expression>


    [Collection: CMPDefault Countries]

    Use : CMPAll Countries

    Compute : Type : “Country”

    Compute : Country : $Name

    Advanced : ($ListingLevel = 2 AND NOT ##CountryShowMore) OR $ListingLevel = 3

    Formatting Attributes in Table
    The Table is widely used across many areas within the application like Configuration Settings, GoTo reports, More details, and so on. Hence Tables required formatting to differentiate the objects with one another. Various formatting attributes in the Table have been introduced in the product to enable the application developers to achieve these requirements.

    Attribute – Color
    Attribute Color is supported with the definition type Collection/Table to facilitate the application developers to provide text color for the desired items within the table.


    Color : <Expression / Color Definition Name>


    [Collection: MoreDetails Template]

    Title : IF $$IsTDSRate Then @@ListofTDSTitle Else IF $$IsBudget Then @@ListofBudgetTitle +

    Else IF $$IsTariffClassification Then $$LocaleString:”List of Excise Classification +

    Details” Else $$Sprintf:”List of %s Details”:$$Type

    Set as : $Name

    Color : “Deep Grey” : NOT $FeatEnabled

    Color : “Black” : $$IsLabelObject

    Attribute – Style
    The attribute Style is supported with the definition type Collection / Table to facilitate the developers to apply the desired style for the required items within the table.


    Style : <Comma>


    [@Collection: GT Report List Template]

    Use : Report List Template

    Style : Small Bold : $IsGroupLabel

    Attribute – Column Align
    The Attribute Column Align is introduced at the definition type Collection / Table to facilitate the developers to provide alignment for all the columns within a specific table. It is a single list attribute where every subsequent value is used for the corresponding format expression.


    Column Align : <Comma separated Align Keywords>


    [@Collection: GT Report List Template]

    Use : Report List Template

    Column Align : Left, Right

    Object Enhancements in Table
    Apart from external methods, Object definition is now enhanced to support various attributes as per the design requirements.

    Attribute – Action
    New attribute Action has been introduced at Object definition. This attribute accepts a Label, an Action Keyword along with the Parameters of the Action. At the interface element, various objects are associated through the field table, and on the selection of an object, the corresponding object action gets identified and invoked.


    Action : <Label> : <Action keyword> : <Action Parameters>


    [Object: SelectDrives]

    Use : Action Object

    Name : If @@IsCurrPathRoot Then “” Else $$SysName:Drives

    IsActive : Yes

    Action : Set Root : Set : vCurrentPath : @@RootName

    Action : Set Root : Change Table : $$CurrentTable : No : @@TableDefaultCursor

    Action : Set File Root : Set : vCurrentPath : @@RootName

    Action : Set File Root : Change Table : $$CurrentTable : No : @@FileTableDefaultCursor

    The set of actions can be grouped with the help of label specified at the attribute. Multiple Actions can be specified with the same label to execute these actions in a sequence.

    The enhancement, ensures brevity of code, thus making it easier for the developers. Aiding this component, an action Execute Obj Actions has been introduced which can be invoked through a new Field attribute Act on Table Element.

    Attribute – Behave As
    The Object attribute Behave As allows to specify the behavior of the Object when populated in the table, thus defining the formatting and placement of the object in the Table. Action, Config, Default, External Action, On the fly, Label. Act As is an alias to Behave As.


    Behave As : <Keyword>


    [Object: Action Object]

    Behave as : Action

    [Object: Config Object]

    Behave as : Config

    [Object: On The Fly Object]

    Behave as : On the Fly

    [Object: Label Object]

    Behave as : Label

    [Object: External Action Object]

    Behave As : External Action

    There are few rules/keywords that are provided to decide the behavior of an object.

    Keyword – Default
    The Object Attribute, Behave As Keyword, Default is used to specify when as an object for selection. In the absence of the attribute, Behave As, this is the default value.


    [Object: CurrentPath]

    Name : If @@IsCurrPathRoot Then $$SysName:primary Else ##vCurrentPath

    Full Width : Yes

    Action : Set Primary : Ignore Field : Yes

    Keyword – Label
    The properties of an Object behaving as a Label is to expand and collapse the hierarchical elements exploded from the current Label Object and should be an unselectable item.


    As seen in the image above, Printer Settings, Header Information, and Company Details are the Label Objects.


    [Object: Obj Accounting Masters CreateAlter]

    Use : Obj Accounting Masters Template

    Behave As : Label



    Keyword – Config
    The properties of an Object behaving as a Config is to set the variable values and is an unselectable item. To regather the table to reflect the change in the variable values, the Field Attribute, Process Change Table or Cyclic Behavior must be set to Yes.


    In the image above, on pressing enter on Show Date Range of Report, the logical value No toggles to Yes and vice versa without selecting the item in the Field.


    [Object: Cfg Settings DateAndNumberFormat]

    Name : @@ChangeDateNumFormatStr

    VarValue : @@ValueExistsString

    Behave As : Config

    Action : Set Config : Modify Variables : DateAndNumber Format Configure



    Keyword – Action and External Action
    The properties of an Object behaving as an Action or an External Action is

    1. To appear as a separate section above all the items at the top of the Table
    2. To appear towards the right within a table.
    3. To have a line separator after all the actions.
    There are 2 action keywords:

    1. Action – Action Objects are not selectable objects which operate on the list like expanding or contracting the list of objects in the table, for instance, Show More/ Less, Show Inactive, and so on.
    2. External Action – Actions which invokes subsequent reports on selection like Create Master, Alter Mater, etc. which are required to be on the top of the list but must be selectable.

    In the screen capture above,

    1. The objects above the separator lines are Action Items.
    2. Create Voucher, Create Master and Alter Master are Objects behaving as External Action.
    3. Expand All, Show More are Objects behaving as Action.

    [Object: GT CreateVoucherNested]

    Name : $$SysName:CreateVoucher

    Behave as : External Action

    Action : Goto Action : Create : Accounting Voucher

    Action Filter : NOT ##IsOutputOnly

    [Object: GT Primary ShowMoreLess]

    Use : GT Default Methods

    Name : If ##ShowBasicGroupsOnly Then $$SysName:ShowMore Else $$SysName:ShowLess

    Behave as : Action

    Action : TableActions : Set : ShowBasicGroupsOnly : NOT ##ShowBasicGroupsOnly

    Action : TableActions : Set : ShowBasicReportsOnly : NOT ##ShowBasicReportsOnly


    • Go To Report screen

    With the Keywords, Action and External Action, the text is automatically positioned to the right of the Table and appears as a separate section above the horizontal line.

    Keyword – On The Fly
    Usually, when user keys in a value that is not in the list, an error message is shown as Spelling Error. Objects with the Keyword On The Fly is designed to appear at the top of the Table; similar to Action and External Action. When the table does not contain the items with text entered by the user, this text appears next to the On the Fly Object. The corresponding actions specified against On the Fly Objects are executed when the user has entered a new value.


    [Object: New Bank]

    Name : $$SysName:NewBank

    Behave As : On the Fly


    As you can view in the screen, since Gram does not exist in the created database, it appears as a suggestion near New Bank for creation.


    Attribute – Full Width
    At collection definition column widths are specified with attribute Format. However, if the maximum space is required for an Object, where the value of the object is dynamic, Full Width can be specified.


    Full Width : <Logical Value>


    [Object: Current File Path]

    Behave As : Label

    Name : If @@IsCurrPathRoot Then $$SysName:primary Else ##vCurrentPath

    Full Width : Yes



    Table Enhancements in Other TDL Artefacts
    New Attributes
    At Field definition, developers can provide pop-up list through attribute Table. To enhance the user experience while the Table is displayed, few attributes have been introduced.

    Field Attribute – Default Table Item
    Field attribute Default Table Item when specified places the cursor on the specified item when the Table appears in the Field. If none of the Table objects satisfies the given condition, the cursor is placed at the top of the table depending on the value of the Field attributes Skip, SysName ,or Skip actions.


    Default Table Item : <Logical Expression>


    [Field: UNT GST UQC]

    Use : Name Field

    Storage : GSTRepUoM

    Table : ListOfGSTUQC, NotApplicable, New UQC

    Show Table : Always

    Default Table item : $$IsSysNameEqual:NotApplicable:$Name

    Below is the Table for the behaviour of Default Table Item when other dependent attributes like Set as, Info and SkipSysName are specified.

    Field Value

    Default Table Item






    The cursor would be placed to the value matching the field value. If the value does not match, then would be positioned to the first value.




    The cursor would be placed to the value matching the field value. If the value does not match, then would be positioned to the first value after the SysNames. SkipSysNames is applied.




    Since field value is specified, “the table cursor tries to be placed on the value matching the field value. If the field value does not match, then the cursor would be placed on the first item matching the default table item expression. If none of the items matching the default table item, the cursor would be positioned on the first value after the SysNames.




    The field value is not specified; hence the condition with ‘Default Table Item’ is evaluated and if no Items found matching the condition, the cursor would be placed on the first item after the SysNames.




    The cursor is positioned to the value that satisfies the condition provided in ‘Default Table Item’. In case of no text meets the given condition, the cursor is positioned on the first item in the Table.




    The cursor is positioned on the first value in the Table.

    Field Attribute – Process Change Table
    In general, the behaviour of the table in a field is a flat selection of value once the value is selected; the cursor moves to the next Field.

    The new capability broke this behaviour of the Table. The cursor stays on the same Field with the new experiences. When there are changes in the value of the table items, the table must regenerate to populate the updated value against the items. Hence, to aid this refreshing behaviour of the table within the same instance of the Field attribute Process Change Table has been introduced. The alias is Cyclic Behavior.

    The attribute Process Change Table allows the Field to regather the existing table with the latest updated values of the same table and continues to focus cursor on the same Field.


    Process Change Table : <Logical Value>


    [Field: Exceptions Template]

    Width : @@MSTTriggerWidth

    Max : 52

    Style : Normal Bold

    Show Table : Always

    Default Table Item : NOT $$IsLabelObject And NOT $$IsActionObject

    Process Change Table : Yes

    Field Attribute – Act on Table Element
    The field attribute Act on Table Element empowers the application developers to invoke the actions corresponding to the selected object from the table. A new Action Execute Obj Action is introduced to execute the Object Actions corresponding to the specified label.


    Act On Table Element : <Logical Formula> : <Action Keyword> : <Action Parameters>


    [Field: File Selection Template]

    Use : Name Field

    Set Always : Yes

    Width : @@LongWidth

    Show Table : Always

    Set as : ##vCurrentFile

    Table : Current File Folder, Provide File Path, SelectFileDrives

    Process Change Table : Yes

    Act on Table Element : @IsDirectory : Execute Obj Actions : Set File Directory

    Act on Table Element : @IsUp : Execute Obj Actions : Set File Parent Directory

    Act on Table Element : @IsRootSelected : Execute Obj Actions : Set File Root

    Act on Table Element : @SpecifyPath : Execute Obj Actions : Set Path

    [Collection: Select File Drives]

    Title : $$LocaleString:”File Selection”

    Object : SelectDrives, ShowMoreLess

    Client Only : Yes

    Filter : IsActiveObj

    [Object: SelectDrives]

    Use : Action Object

    Name : If @@IsCurrPathRoot Then “” Else $$SysName:Drives

    IsActive : Yes

    Action : Set Root : Set : vCurrentPath : @@RootName

    Action : Set Root : Change Table : $$CurrentTable : No: @@TableDefaultCursor

    Action : Set File Root : Set : vCurrentPath : @@RootName

    Action : Set File Root : Change Table : $$CurrentTable: No : @@FileTableDefaultCursor

    Field Attribute – Act on Backspace
    The attribute Act on Backspace determines the action that should happen on pressing backspace key from the table. In other words, Actions to be executed on hitting backspace key are considered from the Object matching the given logical expression corresponding to the specified label.


    Act on Backspace : <Logical Expression> : <Label>


    [Field: File Selection Template]

    Use : Name Field

    Set Always : Yes

    Width : @@LongWidth

    Show Table : Always

    Set as : ##vCurrentFile

    Table : Current File Folder, Provide File Path, SelectFileDrives

    Process Change Table : Yes

    Act on BackSpace : @@IsSysNameUp : Set File Parent Directory

    [Object: Path Selection]

    Action: Set File Parent Directory:Set : vCurrentPath : $$GetParentDirectory:##vCurrentPath

    Action: Set File Parent Directory:DoIf:mad:@IsCurrPathRoot:ChangeTable:$$CurrentTable:No +

    : @@FileTableDefaultCursor

    Action: Set File Parent Directory: DoIf: NOT @@IsCurrPathRoot: Change Table: $$CurrentTable:+

    No : @@IsSysNameUp

    On hitting backspace key, the above 3 actions with the label Set File Parent Directory is invoked.

    Field Attribute – Skip Action
    The attribute Skip Action when enabled; position the table cursor on the first element/object below the actions


    Skip Action : <Logical Value>


    [Field: PyrlEmpFilter ModeofPymt]

    Use : Name Field

    Storage : Name

    Table : Employee BankMode, EmployeeTransTypeShowMore : $$Line = 1

    Table : Employee BankMode, End of List, EmployeeTransTypeShowMore : $$Line > 1

    Skip Actions : Yes

    Attribute Value for Show Table – Always And Never Hide
    The attribute value Always and Never Hide, would display the Table in the Field always ignoring the key that allows hiding the table.


    Show Table : Always and Never Hide


    [Field: SelectCompanyPath]

    Use : Name Field

    Set Always : Yes

    Width : @@LongWidth

    Max : @@MaxNarrWidth

    Show Table : Always and Never Hide

    New Actions
    Execute Obj Actions
    The action Execute Obj Actions works in conjunction with the ability to define Action at object level against a label. Since it requires an Object context, the Action is expected to be used at Field definition where Table exists along with attribute Act on Table Element.


    Execute Obj Actions : <Label>


    [Field: CoA List Of Accounts]

    Use : COA Other Masters

    Act On Table Element : Yes : Execute Obj Actions : CoA

    Change Table
    The action Change Table can be used with the Object Attribute Action to allow populating different tables. The action empowers developers to provide an effect of drill down from a table to another within the same Field.


    Change Table : <TableName/Current> [:<Logical Expression1> [:<Condition>[:<Logical Expression2>]]]


    <Table Name/ Current> $$CurrentTable to bring up Current Table again with refreshed values or specify one or more Tables if new tables need to be populated on selecting the current Object. It is a mandatory parameter.

    <Logical Expression1> to allow to stack the tables such that previous tables shall be available on hitting Esc. The value is optional and the default is No.

    <Condition> to identify the item and place the cursor by default on the first matching item. This is also optional.

    <Logical Expression2> it retains exploded state of the table. The value is optional and default is No.


    [Object: App Config ShowMoreLess]

    Use : GT Default Methods

    Name : If ##ShowBasicOnly Then $$SysName:ShowMore Else $$SysName:ShowLess

    Behave as : Action

    Action : SetVar : Set : ShowBasicOnly : NOT ##ShowBasicOnly

    Action : SetVar:Change Table:$$CurrentTable:No:$$Type = “App Config ShowMoreLess”



    Clear Table Stack
    Action Change Table allows for stacking the Table. When the stacked tables are not required, action Clear Table Stack can be used to clear the same such that when the user navigates using Esc, one does not need to go back through all the stacked tables.


    Clear Table Stack


    [Object: New Country]

    Use : Action Object

    Name : @@NewCountry

    Action : ChangeStateCountry: Change Table : CmpAllStatesofCountries, Not Applicable,

    NewStateTable, ChangeCountry : Yes : NOT $$IsActionObject

    Action : ChangeStateCountry : Clear Table Stack



    Cycle Back
    The action Cycle Back allows returning to the previous stacked table. The behaviour is similar to the escape key. If a Table Object Back needs to be presented for user to move Back, this helps as an Object Action to move back.


    Cycle Back


    [Object: Obj Alter Cycle Back]

    Name : $$SysName:Back

    Behave As : Action

    IsAlter : Yes

    Action : TableAction : Cycle Back



    Ignore Field
    The action Ignore Field allows ignoring the value of the Field, i.e.; the selected object is not placed in the Field.


    Ignore Field :<Logical Expression>[:<String Expression>]


    < Logical Expression> whether to clear the text of the Field

    < String Expression > string to which the expression to reset to Table match


    [Object: CoATemplate]

    Action : CoA : Display : List of Accounts

    Action : CoA : Ignore Field : Yes



    New Functions
    The function CurrentTableObj evaluates the parameter in the context of the current selected table Object.




    [Field: ImportFile]

    Use : File Selection Template

    Modifies : ImportFile : Yes : $$TableObj:ImportFile:$Path

    Case : Normal

    Width : @@LongWidth+10

    Max : @@MaxNarrWidth

    Act on Table Element : (@ShowMore OR @ShowLess) : Execute Obj Actions : ShowMoreLess

    ShowMore : ($$IsSysNameEqual:ShowMore:($$CurrentTableObj:$Name))

    ShowLess : ($$IsSysNameEqual:ShowLess:($$CurrentTableObj:$Name))

    The function CurrentTable enables the developer to refer to the current table. This function is beneficial when the existing table from the Field has to be called with some value changes.




    [Object: CoAShowinactiveMasters]

    Behave as: Action

    Name : If ##ShowHideInactive Then $$SysName:HideInactive Else $$SysName:ShowInactive

    Action : Config Action: Set : ShowHideInactive : NOT ##ShowHideInactive

    Action : Config Action: Change Table:$$CurrentTable:No:$$Type= “CoAShowinactiveMasters”

    The function IsOnTheFlyItemSelected allows identifying whether the selected object from the table is On The Fly, object.




    [Field: EI BuyerGVAT POSCountry]

    Use : Name Field

    Set as : #SupplCountryName

    Set Always : Yes

    Storage : PlaceofSupplyCountry

    Table : ListOfCountries,NotApplicable,NewCountryName, CompanyCreatedCountry

    Trigger : NewCountryValName : $$IsSysNameEqual:NewCountry:$$EditData

    Act on Table Element : $$IsOntheFlyItemSelected : Set : NewCountry : $$GetOnTheFlyString

    When an object has Behave As : On the fly, the user may type a value that does not exist in the list. The value is displayed in the Table list on the left corner against the On the Fly Object. The function GetOntheFlyString returns this value within the Object Context.




    [Object: Provide File Path]

    Use : On The Fly Object

    Name : $$SysName:providePath

    IsActive : Yes

    Action : Set Path : Set : On The Fly Path : $$GetOnTheFlyString

    The function IsActionObject returns True if the object is an Action or an External Action Object.




    [Field: DYBK Chg Vch Type]

    Use : Create VoucherType

    Width : @@NameWidth

    Max : @@MaxNameWidth

    Case : Title Case

    Style : Normal Bold

    Show Table : Always

    Default Table Item : NOT $$IsActionObject

    The function IsLabelObject returns True if the Object is a Label Object.




    [Collection: MoreDetails Template]

    Set as : $Name

    Color : “Deep Grey” : NOT $FeatEnabled

    Color : “Black” : $$IsLabelObject

    The function IsConfigObject returns True if the object is a Config Object.




    [Table: Connectivity Settings Configure List]

    Use : Config Table Template

    Fetch : ShowAdvance

    Style : Normal Bold : $$IsConfigObject

    Hierarchical Table
    The capability of a collection as Table has always been quite a restricted area for developers to do wonders. With the new capabilities,’ developers can now represent a Table in a hierarchical form. With the introduction of new Table attributes, a hierarchical Table can be generated.

    Table Attribute – Explode
    A new Attribute Explode is introduced at artefact Table or Collection to allow the developer to provide the user with a Hierarchical view.


    Explode : <Collection Name>[:<LogicalCondition1>[:<Logical Condition2>]]


    <LogicalCondition1> when this condition is satisfied, the artefact understands which Collection to trigger.

    <LogicalCondition2> this implies whether the Collection should be exploded when the table is first populated.


    [Collection: MailPreview Configuration]

    Title : $$LocaleString:”List of Configurations”

    Object : MailPreview ConfigTitle

    Explode : MailPreview Details : $Name = @@MailConfig

    Points to remember

    • Providing condition to explode is optional when the condition is not provided; the table always explode.
    • Any formatting attributes of the Collection would be ignored when they are used as an exploded collection.
    • Although there are no specified restrictions on the level of exploding, it is recommended to restrict up to a maximum of two levels.
    • To improvise experience & performance in Remote, suggested to use Fetch Collection at Report level and fetch all the collections including the exploded collections.
    • Incase’ Child of’ is used in explode Collection for filtering, Parm Var is mandated for Remote.
    • System Names can not be used at the exploded table
    Table Attribute – Indent
    To depict the hierarchical parent child relation in a table, an Attribute Indent is introduced at the Table Definition. While indent is not restricted to Explode collections; it is mostly applied in the exploded table.


    Indent : <Numeric Formula>


    [Collection: Folder Selection Table]

    Use : Current Path Explode Details

    Title : @@FolderSelectionTitle

    Data Source : Directory Selection List : ##vDataFolderPath

    Format : $Name, 35

    Format : @@TableFolderFormat, 15

    Indent : $$TableExplodeLevel * 2

    There are a few functions have been introduced, to aid the exploded Tables.

    The function TableExplodeLevel returns the explode level of the current Table thereby enables the developers to specify the dynamic value for Indent. The data return type is long, i.e. numeric value.




    [Collection: Folder Selection Table]

    Use : Current Path Explode Details

    Title : @@FolderSelectionTitle

    Data Source : Directory Selection List : ##vDataFolderPath

    Format : $Name, 35

    Format : @@TableFolderFormat, 15

    Indent : $$TableExplodeLevel * 2

    The function TableExplodeOwner evaluates the parameter in the context of the current exploded table’s owner Table. The function evaluates the value while the Table is being gathered. The data return type depends on the method specified in expression.




    [Collection: Other Voucher Type Explode]

    Use : Other Voucher Type

    Parm Var : pvExpVoucherType : String : $$TableExplodeOwner:$Name

    The function CurrentTableItemExplodeOwner evaluates the method in the context of the exploded Owner Table of the current selected Object.




    [Field: Backup Name]

    Use : Backup Company Selection

    Set as : $Name

    CommonTable : No

    Width : 35

    Modifies : SVBackupSrc :Yes : If ##IsTADSTable Then $$CurrentTableItemExplodeOwner +

    : $Name Else ##vCurrDataPath

    Amendments in Browser Reports
    The customised reports could be viewed in a browser, and there were few lines of code which was required to be added from Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.6.1. However, from TallyPrime Release 1.0, the attributes Definition Name and IsCollection at Object definition has been eliminated.

    Two new attributes have been introduced at Object Definition, that would allow displaying report and display collection in the browser.

    Attribute – Current Report
    The attribute Current Report at the object definition allows providing the name of a report which is required to be in the browser list.


    Current Report : <Display Report Name>


    [Object: GT Trial Balance]

    Use : GoTo Report Obj

    Name : $$LocaleString:”Trial Balance”

    Current Report : Trial Balance

    Attribute – Current Collection
    The attribute Current Collection at the object definition allows providing the name of a report which is required to be in the browser list.


    Current Collection : <Display Collection Name>


    [Object: GT Group Overdue Receivables]

    Use : GoTo Group Obj

    Name : $$LocaleString:”Group Overdue Receivables”

    ViewName : $$LocaleString:”Overdue Receivables”

    Current Collection : Group Overdue Receivables

  2. Thank you.... appreciate the effort done for explanations in simple ...

  3. farrakh hayat

    farrakh hayat Member

    So informative.
    Thank you very much.

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