set alternative units after transactions...

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by rajendra mithari, Dec 6, 2013.


  1. Dear experts,
    for set alternative units in stock item master after transactios are feed, default tally not allows it.
    for one of my client i am tring to set once the alternative unit so iset as under
    delete : skip On for following fields
    [#Field: STKI AltUOM] ,[#Field: STKI AltConv] ,[#Field: STKI Denom]

    thisway it now takes alternative units and conversion also but why still i have recvd msg at form accept as "Cannot alter units of "item 1" "

    if this is not possible then can i export transactions to another co and then set alternative units to masters and again import that all transactions? or viz-versa..

    is there any solution?


  2. PeaceOfMind

    PeaceOfMind New Member

    Take 2 number field
    1 for accepting primary qty
    2nd for accepting sec. Qty.

    In qty field set as someting like
    "12 pcs =1 doz"
    It will work.

  3. Dear sir, please guide me with full code to set alternative units while transactions been alread feed.

  4. PeaceOfMind

    PeaceOfMind New Member

    it is difficult for me to write full code. you start and if required, I will do the necessary changes.
    take 2 number fields for entering primary qty and secondary qty respectively. before actual qty field.
    in actual qty field you need to set $$asqty:mad:@formula. where formula will be $$string:#firstfield + $baseunits:stockitem:$stockitemname + " = " + $$string:#secondfield + $additionalunits:stockitem:$stockitemname.

  5. Vikaas Kharbanda

    Vikaas Kharbanda New Member

    Rajendra Mithari, it is actually easier to export the vouchers to another company, reset the alternate unit, and then import them back. works fine. Have done it a number of times.
    info.ap, Ras Raj and Sunder like this.

  6. Azmat

    Azmat New Member

    any one suggest code want to required main unit and alternate unit in separate columns

    Attached Files:

    Pawan N likes this.

  7. info.ap

    info.ap New Member

    Thanks for information, can you please explain the in detail? I tried export all vouchers using Daybook in new company then Exported Masters also but couldn't change units which are already in use...please suggest...Regards

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