Can anyone help me whats the error in this code

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by Anurag Agarwal, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. Anurag Agarwal

    Anurag Agarwal New Member

    [!Field:BKRT VCH Value]
    Local Formula:ResetVal : (($Rate * $BilledQty * (100 - $Discount)) / 100) - @2ndDiscAmt
    Local Formula:ResetVal1 : if (@@NoBaseUnits OR $$IsEmpty:$BilledQty) then $$Value else @CashDiscAmt
    Local Formula:BKRTMRPDiscTot : $BKRTMRPDisc * $BilledQty
    Local Formula:Scheme1 Amt : (($Rate * $BilledQty * (100 - $Discount)) / 100)
    Local Formula:Scheme2 Amt : @Scheme1Amt * (100 - $BKRTPurScheme) / 100
    Local Formula:CashDiscAmt : ((@Scheme2Amt - @BKRTMRPDiscTot) * (100 - $BKRTCashDisc)) / 100
    Local Formula:2ndDiscAmt : #BKRTMRPDiscAmt
    Delete:Set as
    Add:Set as : @ResetVal
    Read Only:no

  2. Devendra_Rawat

    Devendra_Rawat Well-Known Member

    Use $$TgtObj in formulas relating to ..$BilledQty I guess error is it doesn't show any value..

    See.. first you should explain the error.... then only people will be able to give you the "reason/s for error"

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