can i pick one particular ledger

Discussion in 'Requests' started by mutharasan, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. mutharasan

    mutharasan Member

    Dear All TDL Experts,

    Happy New year to you, your family and your friends,

    I need to pick one particular ledger value in ledgerentries collection in invoice. I also need to Remove one particular ledger in ledger entriescollection in invoice.

    This is a scenario
    Discount Issued 5000
    out put vat @ 5% 10000
    Transport charges 25000

    Here I want to pick a value of discount Issued (if it is in the collection)

    i also need to remove the ledger Discount Issued in the collection (if it is in the collection).

    If is it possible Please reply.

    Thanking You

  2. 1. By using System Formula, you can take the Discount Ledger's Amount

    DiscVal : $$FilterValue:$Amount:LedgerEntries:First:DiscFlt
    DiscFlt : $LedgerName Contains "Discount"

    2. In the Print, while repeating the Ledger Entries Collection, you can "Empty If : @@DiscFlt".
    mutharasan likes this.

  3. mutharasan

    mutharasan Member

    Dear pritam krishna sir,

    Thanks for your great reply. your code is working fine, my problem solved. once again thank you very much.

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