Voucher date change on looking up historical data

Discussion in 'Free Source Codes' started by Mukesh Ghiya, Dec 18, 2018.

  1. Mukesh Ghiya

    Mukesh Ghiya New Member

    While creating a new sales or account voucher, if i go to any previous voucher to gain historical data then the voucher date changes to that dateif gone unnoticed the voucher is created on that date , x provide info bow to avoid this.

  2. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    there is TDL, which is very simple (also not working properly) but still suitable for general view of historical data -- available on this site.

    You can search, find and use that. Search for keyword "History".

    For more precise and professional version, I have an enhanced program for both Sales & Purchase historical data, which can be viewed from the Voucher Entry screen without leaving it. (You can refer to my message #57/58/59 in that POST)

    Drop you email ID if you want a preview.

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