Voucher Field Storage at daybook

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by Rupal Agarwal, Oct 6, 2021.

  1. Rupal Agarwal

    Rupal Agarwal Member

    Hello everyone

    I have created a field to enter the agent name at voucher entry, now I want to see the agent name at daybook.

    Please help and correct the code.

    My code :

    [#Line: EI Consignee]
        Add:Field:At End:AName, Agent
        Use: name field
        Set as:"Agent Name"
        Use:Name field
        Set as:""
    [#Line: DBTitle1]
        Add:Field:At End:Agent_Name
        Local:Field:Agent_Name:Info:"Agent Name"
    [#Line: DSP VchDetail]
        Add:Right Field:At Beginning:Agent_Name
        use:Name Field
        Set as:$Agent

  2. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Try this.........

    use:Name Field
    Set as: "Hello, this is Agent"

    Does the above shows??? if yes then your code is correct and your SET AS is not.
    so try experimenting.....

  3. Rupal Agarwal

    Rupal Agarwal Member

    Thank you for replying sir

    Sir Set as: "Hello, this is Agent" is working, but Set as: $agent is not working.


  4. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Find the collection of daybook and FETCH your UDF there

  5. [#Collection: Daybook Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm
    [#Collection:Specific Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm
    [#Collection:SRC Specific Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm
    [#Collection:Columnar Specific Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm
    [#Collection:Columnar Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm
    [#Collection: Filtered Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm
    [#Collection:SRC Filtered Vouchers of Company]
    Fetch: TotalKgs, TotalComm

    like this , please fetch UDF. u are storing at ledgerentry object, so may be need compute in collection as compute : myagent : $allledgerentries[1].agent .......... something like this
    for easy tdl , add part above narration and it store at voucher level object directly

  6. Rupal Agarwal

    Rupal Agarwal Member

    Thank you so much buddy it worked perfectly

  7. thanks

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