mukeshbaranwal3's Recent Activity

  1. mukeshbaranwal3 replied to the thread Auto 2 copys print.

    Dear NallaShivam, Is there any TDL to print a PaySlip in sigle page with Title Original and Duplicate . Thanks,

    Dec 20, 2018
  2. mukeshbaranwal3 replied to the thread Cheque Number In Reports.

    Dear Mr. Jay Kumar, Can u plz provide the final code for Display Chq number in ledger and Daybook of Payment,Receipt & Contra entry....

    Nov 30, 2018
  3. mukeshbaranwal3 attached a file to the thread Led Creation Details.

    Dear Sattam, Amazing field you have done. Can u improve in this , it should be display in ledger details while press Alt+C.

    upload_2018-11-23_16-17-59.png Nov 23, 2018