Code for Batch number and expiry date

Discussion in 'Free Source Codes' started by thikar, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. thikar

    thikar New Member

    Hi Experts,

    I need a code for the batch number and expiry dates under the inventory line. ( Refer attachments )

    The code details are as follows. Please guide me on how to fix my query.

    [Part:MICS Body Coloumns Title]
    Line: MICS Coloumns Title1, MICS Coloumns Title2
    Border: Thick Cover
    Common Border: Yes

    [Line: MICS Coloumns Title1]
    Use: MICS Invoice Body
    Local: Field: Default: Type: String
    Local: Field: Default: Style: MICS9B
    Local: Field: Default: Align: Center

    Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Set as: "Sr"
    Local: Field: MICS Description:Set as:" Item "
    Local: Field: MICS Batch No: Set as:"Batch"
    Local: Field: MICS Expiry Date: Set as:"Expiry"
    Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Set as:"HSN"
    Local: Field: MICS Qty: Set as:"Qty"
    Local: Field: MICS Rate: Set as:"Rate"
    Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Set as:"Gross"
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Set as:"SGST"
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Set as:"SGST"
    Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Set as:"CGST"
    Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Set as:"CGST"
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Set as:"ISGT"
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Set as:"IGST"
    Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Set as: "Total"

    [Line:MICS Coloumns Title2]
    Use: MICS Invoice Body
    Local: Field: Default: Type: String
    Local: Field: Default: Style: MICS9B
    Local: Field: Default: Align: Center
    Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Set as: "No"
    Local: Field: MICS Description:Set as:"Description"
    Local: Field: MICS Batch No: Set as:"No"
    Local: Field: MICS Expiry Date: Set as:"Date"
    Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Set as:"Code"
    Local: Field: MICS Qty: Set as:""
    Local: Field: MICS Rate: Set as:""
    Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Set as:"Amount"
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Set as:"%"
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Set as:"Amt"
    Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Set as:"%"
    Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Set as:"Amt"
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Set as:"%"
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Set as:"Amt"
    Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Set as: ""
    Border: Thick Bottom

    [Part:MICS Invoice Body]
    Line: MICS Invoice Body
    Repeat:MICS Invoice Body: Inventory Entries
    Bottom Line: MICS Coloumn Total
    Border: Thick Cover
    Scroll: Vertical
    Float: No
    Common Border: Yes

    [Line: MICS Invoice Body]
    Field: MICS SrNo, MICS Description
    Right Field: MICS Batch No, MICS Expiry Date, MICS HSN Code, MICS Qty, +
    MICS Rate, MICS GrossAmt,MICS SGST Per, MICS SGST Amt, +
    MICS CGST per, MICS CGST Amt,+
    MICS IGST Per, MICS IGST Amt, MICS Item Total

    Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Width:2
    Local: Field: MICS Batch No: Width:4
    Local: Field: MICS Expiry Date: Width:6
    Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Width:4
    Local: Field: MICS Qty: Width:5
    Local: Field: MICS Rate: Width: 7
    Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Width: 7
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Width:3
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Width: 6
    Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Width:3
    Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Width:6
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Width:3
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Width:6
    Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Width: 8

    Local: Field: MICS SrNo: Border: Thick Right
    Local: Field: MICS Batch No: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS Expiry Date: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS HSN Code: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS Qty: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS Rate: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS GrossAmt: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Per: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS SGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS CGST per: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS CGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Per: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field: MICS IGST Amt: Border: Thick Left
    Local: Field:MICS Item Total: Border: Thick Left

    Space Top: 0.15

    [Field:MICS SrNo]
    Use: Simple Field
    Set as: $$Line
    Align: Center
    Style: MICS9

    [Field:MICS Description]
    Use: Simple Field
    Style: MICS9B
    Set as: if NOT $$IsSysName:$StockItemName then @@InvItemName else ""

    Full Width: Yes
    Line: 0

    [Field:MICS Batch No]
    Use: Simple Field
    Set as:$BatchName
    Align: Center
    Style: MICS9B

    [Field:MICS Expiry Date]
    Use: Simple Field
    Set as:$Expiryperiod
    Align: Center
    Style: MICS9

    [Field:MICS HSN Code]
    Use: Simple Field
    Set as:$GSTItemHSNCodeEx
    Align: Center
    Style: MICS9

    [Field:MICS Gross Amt]
    Use:Amount Forex Field
    Set as: $Amount
    Align: Right
    Style: MICS9

    Attached Files:

  2. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Give full code.......

    Is this part of Voucher Entry or your OWN report.......
    panam likes this.

  3. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    The way you want....... you will need to add a EXPLODE at the Description LINE.
    panam likes this.

  4. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    [Line: MICS Invoice Body]
    Explode : MyBatchExplosion : NOT @@IsSysNameStkItem

    [Part : MyBatchExplosion]
    Line : MySTKVCHBatchExpld, MySTKVCHMfdDtExpld, MySTKVCHExpiryDtExpld,
    panam likes this.

  5. thikar

    thikar New Member


    Sorry, I'm getting an error. Where should I put the above code?


  6. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Have given you the LINE Name also........ put your Explode in that line.......


    Attached Files:

    panam likes this.

  7. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Given you part of the code also.........

    You just need to define the LINEs and FIELDs.
    panam likes this.

  8. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    Have you made this code? or got it done from a developer?
    panam likes this.

  9. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    In your LINE ----- [Line: MICS Invoice Body]

    Ad this line ----- Explode : MyBatchExplosion : $$InPrintMode

    then add this PART
    [Part : MyBatchExplosion]
    Line : MySTKVCHBatchExpld, MySTKVCHMfdDtExpld, MySTKVCHExpiryDtExpld,

    Now define your LINE and FIELD.......... let this be a good learning experience as this is a simple one.
    panam likes this.

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