Data Analysis with SQL and Tableau

Discussion in 'Free Courses - Promo Codes & Deals' started by admin, May 26, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    What you’ll learn

    • Create queries with aggregation and date functions
    • Create complex queries to extract information
    • Create bar charts, maps, and filters in Tableau
    • Create dashboards in Tableau

    • Basic knowledge of SQL

    Why study SQL?

    The SQL Language (Structured Query Language) is a computing language designed for easy access and obtaining of information from a Database.

    Knowing how to program in SQL is the skill most requested by companies around the world.

    What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

    Since most business data is stored in relational databases, learning SQL is essential for anyone who wants to be a data analyst .

    SQL is the main tool used to manipulate data in relational databases, so it is necessary to master SQL to perform deep data analysis.

    You will learn to exploit information using functions such as: aggregation and date functions in your queries.

    In addition, you will learn how to join multiple tables in your queries to retrieve the data you need for your analysis.

    What you will learn:

    • You will learn the necessary SQL commands and functions for SELECT queries
    • Create complex queries for data analysis
    • Load data into the Tableau app to start data visualization
    • Create professional charts and graphs for data analysis
    • Create a dashboard in Tableau for reports and presentations.

    Are there requirements to take the course?

    • Windows operating system

    Who is this course for?

    • Those who need to learn how to create complex SQL queries and professional data charts and graphs for data analysis.
    Who this course is for:

    • Students and professionals who want to enter the world of data and Business Intelligence.

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