different unit total

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by murtuza shakir, May 29, 2018.


  1. dear experts
    i need total according to the units

    Nos 3.00
    Gal 1.00
    PCS 5.00
    PCS 4.00
    Roll 1.00
    Gal 1.00
    PCS 1.00

    so the total should be
    3.00 nos
    2.00 gal
    1.00 roll
    10.00 pcs

    can any body give idea or share code or concept on how to get to the requirments
    really appreciate your feedback

  2. HVPatel

    HVPatel Active Member

    here is example;
    ;; Function is like this :
    [System: Formulae]
    PcsFilter: $BaseUnits:StockItem:$StockItemName="Pcs"
    Refer this, and do your tdl
    (Request to do not ask, to do your complete tdl).

    murtuza shakir and nasir like this.

  3. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

  4. thank you so much for your guidence

    really appreciate your guidance
    I will use the function and check


  5. Dear sir
    i have got the result using your function

    just a small little question is there a way we can avoid using "pcs" or "doz" and take the unit name from the invoice


  6. HVPatel

    HVPatel Active Member

    Yes you can, like this
    Set as: $$FullList:HPUnitCollection:@@HPUnitDtls
        Source Collection:Default
        Walk :InventoryEntries
        Fetch:BilledQty ,StockItemName
        By   :ItemUnits:$BaseUnits:StockItem:$StockItemName
        Aggr Compute :ItemUnitQty:Sum:$BilledQty
    In Above, using collection, with default, we consolidates Item Units and aggregate billed qty

    murtuza shakir likes this.

  7. anbhuselvan

    anbhuselvan Member

    i need clarificaiton by using below mention units

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