Group Subgroup & Amount Name Bold With Underline

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by SHREYASH PATIL, Jul 27, 2023.


  1. [#Field: BSMainAmt]
    Style : if $IsPLACObject then @PLACStyle else +
    if $$IsOdd:$$Column then "Normal" else "Normal"
    PLACStyle : if $$IsOdd:$$Column then "Normal Bold " else "Normal"
    Style : If $$Parent:LedgerName then "Normal Bold" else "Normal"
    Border:Thick Right : $$ExplodeLevel =0
    [#Border:Thick RIGHT]
    [#Field: BSSubAmt]
    Style : if ($IsInwardTrack OR $IsOutwardTrack) then "normal" else +
    if (@@IsWkgCapItem) then @@DSPAccSmallBoldStyle else +
    if $$IsOdd:$$Column then "normal" else "Small"
    Style : If $$IsLedger then "Normal" else "Large Bold"
    Border: Thick Right : $$ExplodeLevel =0
    [#Border:thick RIGHT]
    [#Field: BSName]
    Local : Field : DSPDispName : Style : if ($IsInwardTrack OR $IsOutwardTrack) then "normal bold" else +
    if ($IsWkgCapLine) then "normal Bold" else +
    if (@@IsWkgCapItem) then @@DSPSmallBold else +
    if (($$ExplodeLevel = 0) AND $IsLedgerProfit) then "Normal bold" else +
    if $$ExplodeLevel = 0 then @@DSPSmallBold else "normal"
    Local : Field : DSPDispName : PrintStyle : if ($IsInwardTrack OR $IsOutwardTrack) then "Normal bold" else +
    if ($IsWkgCapLine) then "Normal Bold Italic" else +
    if (@@IsWkgCapItem) then @@DSPNrmlBold else +
    if (($$ExplodeLevel = 0) AND $IsLedgerProfit) then "Normal Bold " else +
    if $$ExplodeLevel = 0 then @@DSPNrmlBold else "normal"
    Border:Thick Right : $$ExplodeLevel =0
    [#Border:Thick RIGHT]
    Local:Field:bsname:Border:thick Center
    [#Field: BSGroupName]
    Style : Normal Bold Underline
    [#Field: DSP VchNarr]
    Style : small
    [#Field: DSP CompanyName]
    Align :Center
    [#Field: DSP CompanyAddress]
    Align : Center
    [#Field: DSP ReportPeriod]
    visible : NOT $$IsCommon:SVFromDate OR NOT $$IsCommon:SVToDate OR NOT ##PrintReportPeriod
    Set as : @@DSPDateStr
    Width : 0
    FullWidth : Yes
    Align : Center
    PrintStyle : Normal bold

  2. error T0008: Could not find the original description of field : bsgroup name

  3. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

    [#Field: BSGroupName]
    Style : Normal Bold Underline

    Delete above 2 lines, as it does not exists.

  4. Sir,
    Then how to Bold And Underline Group Subgroup & Amount,Name in Profit & Loss and BS

  5. Amit Kamdar

    Amit Kamdar Administrator Staff Member

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