help me to auto store the udf value

Discussion in 'Tally Developer' started by mutharasan, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. mutharasan

    mutharasan Member

    Dear Admin and All TDL Experts,

    I have created an udf in inventory entries, before the qty field only in purchase voucher. I want to store the combination of voucher id and voucher Number in that udf for every Item. It is working fine, But I should open and save the all the purchase entries that i previously entered, than only the udf value comes to effect. is it possible to store the value without reopen the earlier entered vouchers. please guide me to achieve this.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. mutharasan

    mutharasan Member

    Dear Admin and All TDL Experts,

    I have created an udf in inventory entries, before the qty field only in purchase voucher. I want to store the combination of voucher Number and Line Number of the item in that udf for every Item. It is working fine, But I should open and save the all the purchase entries that i previously entered, than only the udf value comes to effect. is it possible to store the value without reopen the earlier entered vouchers. please guide me to achieve this.

    I have written following function with the help of reference manual but it is not working.

    [#Line: EI InvInfo]
    Add: Option: myidno:mad:@Ispurchase

    [!Line: Myidno]
    Add: Right Field: Before : vchBilledqty : MyitemId

    [Field: MyitemId]
    Use: Name Field
    Storage: MyitemIds
    Set Always: Yes
    ;;Skip: yes
    ;;Invisible: Yes

    ;; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    [Collection: myvchidcoll]
    Type: vouchers : vouchertype
    Child Of: $$VchTypePurchase
    Belongs To: Yes
    Fetch: Date,voucherNumber,voucherId, MyitemIds, InventoryEntries

    [#Menu : Gatewayoftally]
    Add : Item : Auto update of an UDF : Call : AssAutoudfupdate

    [Function : AssAutoudfupdate]
    005 : Walk collection : myvchidcoll
    010 : Insert collection object:InventoryEntries
    015 : Set Target : InventoryEntries
    020 : Set Value : MyitemIds :$$String:$voucherNumber + "-" + $$String:$$Line
    030 : END Walk
    040 : Accept Alter
    050 : Return

    please help me

    Thanks in advance.

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