How to use tdl for selected database or company

Discussion in 'Tally Integration' started by Santosh, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Santosh

    Santosh Member


    Can you please help me for how to use tdl for selected database or company.
    Please provide me code!!!
    I am new user for tdl

    Thank you!

  2. Santosh

    Santosh Member

    Can you please help me for how to use tdl for selected database or company.
    Please provide me code!!!

  3. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Why do want this code??

    For what purpose you need this? If you are a new to TDL.. it is little bit hard for you directly attack Tally Integration.

  4. Santosh

    Santosh Member

    as example we have a two company data in the name of X company & Y company. I want to use tdl for only X company not for Y company. in same computer.
    this for invoice purpose.

  5. G Vijay

    G Vijay Member

    You can give option in F11 features - for enabling invoice option.

  6. Santosh

    Santosh Member

    Thank you! but this is tally.erp9 option
    but how coding to use through tdl

  7. G Vijay

    G Vijay Member

    [#Part: CMP AccFeat Right]
    Option : TSPL Smp NR CMP AccFeat Right : NOT $$IsRemoteCompany

    [!Part: TSPL Smp NR CMP AccFeat Right]
    Add : Lines : MyInvoice

    [Line: MyInvoice]
    Fields : Medium Prompt, MyInvoice
    Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Info : $$LocaleString:"Enable Invoice Format?"
    [Field: MyInvoice]
    Use : Logical Field
    Storage : MyInv

    [System: UDF]
    MyInv : Logical : 1000
    ;=========== after enabling modifing the invoice ===========
    [#Form: Comprehensive Invoice]
    Option: MyInvoice1 : @@IsSales and $MyInv:Company:##SVcurrentcompany
    Then, continue rest coee...

  8. G Vijay

    G Vijay Member

  9. Santosh

    Santosh Member

    Thank you Sir!!!

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