Discussion in 'Free Source Codes' started by Rajat Agarwal, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Dear Experts

    Pls help me in making a new part in MSTLed Initials as "Village Name" and same has to be print but it shows nothing as pictures given below:

    [#Part:MSTLed Initial]
    Add:Right Part: Before:MSTLed OpAmts:MSTLed Village Details

    [Part:MSTLed Village Details]
    Line: MSTLed Village Details
    Invisible : $$InCreateMode AND $$InExecuteMode

    [Line: MSTLed Village Details]
    Field:Medium Prompt, MSTLed VIllage Name
    Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Village Name"
    Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style: POSNT
    Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Color:Deep Cobalt Blue

    [Field:MSTLed Village Name]
    Use: Name Field
    Style: POSNT


    Please help in saving village data in print as per details and images given
    I am Using this MSTLED Details in Below code but it is not working......pls Help

    [Part:pOSN Invoice Customer Details]
    Line: POSN Customer Address
    Border: Thin Cover

    [Line:pOSN Customer Address]
    Field: Medium Prompt, Name Field, Simple Prompt, Simple Field
    Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: "Village"
    Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Style:pOSN9B
    Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Width: 20
    Local: Field: Name Field: Set as: $$FullList:BasicBuyerAddress:$BasicBuyerAddress
    Local: Field: Name Field: Width: 40
    Local: Field: Name Field: Style:pOSN9

    Attached Files:

  2. Hems

    Hems Member

    In customer address line

    Field : simple prompt, name field

    Local: field :simple prompt :info :"village name"

    Local :field :name field :set as: $VillageNAme :ledger :$partyledgername
    Rajat Agarwal likes this.

  3. Hems

    Hems Member

    In print preview

    Previous bal. = Nill
    Current = 21500
    Total = 400

    How total comes
    Rajat Agarwal likes this.

  4. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Item Adjt is Rs 19600 which is not shown in print that's why the total is 400
    Bill Amt is 21500 cash rec'd 1500 item adjustment 19600 balance 400

  5. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Thanks Sir....I have one more query can I make a part of "Village name" in List of ledger accounts?

  6. Hems

    Hems Member


    Share image
    Where you want to make a part


    In tally developer app

    you found every thing
    Which you want

  7. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Thanks Sir for the reply..

    Sir I have share the screen shots and I want the village name and closing balance in both List of ledgers and List of Accounts...

    I have Make a small tdl and there is some issue in Normal Ledger....want this logo part after company title on the right side

    [#Form:Normal Ledger]

    Invisible:Not $$InPrintMode
    Graph Type:$LogoPath:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
    Width:12% Page

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024

  8. parthiban.M

    parthiban.M Member

    [#Collection : VLedTable] (For List of Ledgers table in vocher)
    [#Collection: List of Ledgers] (For Ledger report)

    In both of these collections add as :
    Add :Format :$(with your storage name),(width as u required)
    Fetch:(with your storage name)
    add if u need title also
    Add : SubTitle : $$LocaleString:"Title"

    and for logo in left side part of ledger report....I had answered already to bikash agarwal ji...So check with him...
    bikash agarwal likes this.

  9. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Thank you for the reply...
    I have also given the code to bikash ji but now he want the logo after address..

    I have use the collection and it is working but when I use the code for List of Ledger Accounts in sales or purchase voucher then it shows nothing....

    i.e. [#Collection:List of Ledger Accounts]
    Use:Alias Collection
    Add:Subtitle:$$localestring:"Name","Cl Balance"

    And so on code

  10. parthiban.M

    parthiban.M Member

    [#Collection:List of Ledger Accounts]
    is this default collection r ur own one? if it is a default one thn am sryy..I couldn't find that collection...and dont know why its not showing error to you....
    and ur using alias collection,so am assuming that u want to show ledger alias name.For that dont use alias collection....jst add Add:Format:$$Alias you will get the allias name.

    "I have also given the code to bikash ji but now he want the logo after address.."
    And for this already told code is given..and try to change it on own...jst find the part below that title part...and need to change a part name in that code.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024

  11. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Okay ......Thank you... I will find out what is the reason?

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