Posting Voucher to a particular Tally Company

Discussion in 'Tally Integration' started by Noor Hussain Ladkhan, Oct 2, 2012.


  1. Dear Experts,

    Please let me know how to post a voucher to a particular company in tally. suppose I have two companies A and B respectively. Now I want to post voucher to A company how can I do that while posting voucher through SOAP call. I know each company has a GUID associatedwith it, but i need to know in which Tag we need to put it in SOAP request. I am integrating our Sales voucher with tally.

    Thanks and regards,
    Noor Hussain

  2. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    Supply the company name in <SVCurrentCompany>CMP Name</SVCurrentCompany> Tags

  3. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for your post. I am able to post the records to the desired tally company. Thanks again.

    Noor Hussain.

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