Regarding dashboard,

Discussion in 'Free Source Codes' started by parthiban.M, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. parthiban.M

    parthiban.M Member

    Dear Experts,
    I am currently wrking in a dashboard report...the prblm is the total for cust/supp balance which is in the report......

    the above image is the total ledger closing balance and the total is correct in the report.....
    But in the main dashboard report the total of closing balance is not fetching corectly....

    the below one is the dashboard report.....

    And my code for collection which I repeat in secondry report is :

    [Collection: TM Sundry Debtors220]
    Type : Ledger
    Child of : $$GroupSundryDebtors
    Belongs To : Yes
    sddd:not $$isempty:$closingbalance

    And below one is for the total for closing balance which needs to be display:

    [Field :SUPPBALRPRT1]
    ;Set as:$$Total:suppbalcl
    ;Set as:$$CollectionField:$closingbalance:1:TMSundrycrd
    Set as : $$CollAmtTotal:TMSundrycrd:$closingbalance
    Full Width:Yes
    Key : suppbalrprt

    any help plz.....(and yes I know 4.0 has dashboard in itself..but customer wants for 3.0)

    Attached Files:

  2. Rajat Agarwal

    Rajat Agarwal Member

    Dear Sir
    Where is the rest of the code? Then only we can understand what you are trying to do?
    have you make a total in system formula and try to fetch the same in below total

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