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Discussion in 'Requests' started by laxman, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. laxman

    laxman Member

    Dear Expert i create vat tin no shortcut button in gateway of tally and i want to showing only sundry debtors & Creditors list please guide & Solution.

    ;;ledger vat tin button toolbar===

    [#Menu: Gateway OF Tally]
    Add: Toolbar Buttons: VATTINhotkey

    [#Form: Default]
    Add: Toolbar Buttons: before : HelpButton : VATTINhotkey

    [button: VATTINhotkey]
    Key: Ctrl + p
    Action: alter : LedgerVATTIN
    Title: "VAT TIN"

    [Report: LedgerVATTIN]
    Form: LedgerVATTIN
    Title: "Ledger VAT TIN"

    [Form: LedgerVATTIN]
    No Confirm: yes
    Part: LedgerVATTIN
    Option: Small size form size form

    [Part: LedgerVATTIN]
    Line: LedgerVATTIN

    [Line: LedgerVATTIN]
    Field: Ledgersselect, Short Name field
    Local: Field: Short name field : Set as: $VATTINNumber:ledger:#Ledgersselect

    [Field: Ledgersselect]
    Use: short name field
    Table: Ledger
    Show Table: Always


  2. Taufeeq Shaikh

    Taufeeq Shaikh Active Member

    Dear Laxman,

    Just create a menu and fetch the ledger master. Then just delete the parts & lines from that which ever you don't need and only keep the required field that's it. It will be more easier and you can have create alter delete option too...

  3. Taufeeq Shaikh

    Taufeeq Shaikh Active Member

    If you want to fetch it by button then you should call report by button instead of creating menu.

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